Together, we make a difference. A need becomes a right through organized struggle. Call your representative TODAY and ask them to support the following legislation:
Call Your Legislators:
Hello, may I speak with [Representative/Senator's Name]?
[If yes, continue. If not, ask to leave a message or call back later.]
My name is [Your Name], and I am a constituent of [Representative/Senator's Name]. I'm calling to express my strong support for HB769, a bill aiming to expand access to Non-Real ID Driver’s Licenses in Pennsylvania. This bill is crucial for our state, as it will allow alternative forms of identification and make our roads safer. Additionally, HB769 represents a significant benefit to our local and state economies.
As a constituent, I care deeply about the well-being of every family in our district, regardless of immigration status. HB769 will help ensure that all families have access to essential resources like transportation, ultimately contributing to the overall safety and prosperity of our community.
I urge [Representative/Senator's Name] to prioritize HB769 and support its passage. Can I count on [his/her] support?
[If yes, express gratitude. If no, express disappointment and ask for reasons.]
Thank you for your time and consideration. Ensuring access to driver’s licenses for all residents is crucial for our state's safety and well-being.
[Make calls to all the contacts listed above.]
“Hello, my name is ________, and I am calling on behalf of the Driving Pennsylvania Forward Coalition to convey our strong support for HB769. This vital bill would allow for applicants to use alternative forms of identification, such as ITINs, to obtain Non-Real ID driver’s licenses - a significant change for many families and workers in Pennsylvania who are currently unable to acquire a driver’s license. We urge you to prioritize the passage of HB769 .
​Call to request support for:
HB 769: Driver's Licenses for All
This bill would make driver's licenses available to everyone, regardless of their immigration status. ​
PA House of Representatives, Chairman of Transportation, Ed Nielson
(717) 772-4032 - (215) 330-3714
Matthew D. Bradford
(610) 270-1150
Joanna E. McClinton
(215) 748-6712
For more information, visit our website. Driving PA Forward
HB 1417 - Restoration of Dental Benefits for Adults
A bill to reinstate dental care in Medicaid would ensure that individuals on Medicaid can access the dental care they need.
Governor Josh Shapiro (717) 788-8990
For more information, visit our website. Put people First
HB 2433: Stop Monetary Contributions from Foreign Corporations
A bill to ban foreign corporations from donating to political campaigns. This would prevent foreign money from influencing our elections.
Senator Kim Ward
(724) 600-7002
Senator Perry S. Warren
(215) 493-5420
Senator Joe Pittman
(724) 357-0151
For more information, visit our website.
Register to vote

Remember that the deadline to register is October 21th.