About Us
Movement of Immigrant Leaders in Pennsylvania
The Movement of Immigrant Leaders in Pennsylvania (MILPA) is a network of families who fight for the dignity and human rights of every person, regardless of immigration status.
We facilitate the education, organization and participation of communities for the defense and promotion of our constitutional rights so that our communities can work to create the political, social and economic changes in which every human being is treated with equality and rights.
Since 2012 MILPA has built communities of committees, all led by volunteer immigrant leaders, in Harrisburg, Chambersburg, Upper Darby, Philadelphia and Lancaster County.
Our Fights
Driver's licenses for all, regardless of immigration status
Immigration reform for 11 million people
Our Points of Struggle
Education and Information
Families United
Medical Insurance
Mental Health
Security in our communities
Work with dignity

We believe that we can make a difference when we come together.
Our Mission
We fight for immigrant rights while empowering them and shaping them into leaders.

Our Vision
We envision a future where all people have the same rights, no matter their documentation status.