Worker's Rights
You have rights regardless of your immigration status.
Wage Theft: The minimum wage in PA is $7.25, an employer or contractor cannot pay you less than the minimum wage. An employer or contractor must pay you for overtime work and provide a pay stub listing your pay for hours worked and deductions.
Labor Exploitation: An employer or contractor cannot threaten you for being undocumented or documented doing unpaid or extra work by threatening to call immigration or make a deal to bring you to this country and pay you with your work or give you a job/home in exchange to work for low balance or no salary.
Employment Discrimination: No employer, manager, or contractor may discriminate based on origin, nationality, disability, gender, or age at work. They must not sexually harass or abuse you at work.
If you are going through any of these situations, please call Justice at Work at its following offices:
Philadelphia: (215)-733-0878
Pittsburgh: (412)-701-4368
Toll Free - No Charge: 1-800-729-1607
From Mexico: 001-800-51-41-349
Or visit the bilingual Justice at Work page
If you are a farmworker you can call the Philadelphia Farmworker Project:
(888) 541-1544
Or visit the official page of the Pennsylvania Farmworker Project
Source: Justice at Work